How do you improve your Google reviews?
How do you improve your Google reviews? We’re asked this every day. Perhaps not in this exact format but in one form or another. The question always comes. Introduced in 2010 the star rating system became an instant source of unwanted anxiety for many business owners. In a world of fake news and fake reviews […]
The main stream
The Main Stream So we are in week two of the COVID-19 lock down and I have just been explaining to a friend why it’s called COVID-19. In case you were wondering it’s the COronaVIrus Disease (COVID) and 19 because it was named/discovered in 20″19″. I also added that the pro’s call it SARS-2 or […]
Luxe Appearance Auckland
Luxe Appearance Auckland Luxe Appearance is one of Auckland’s premier Botox Clinic’s – So, we were flattered when they came to don to discuss their impending re-brand. Previously known as “Luxe Body” Sarah (Luxe’s Director) felt that the brand was no longer specific enough to represent the company. While Luxe still provide “Body” related services […]
Scarbro Civil SEO Project
Scarbro Civil SEO Project Recently we were given the task of getting a website found on Google and I thought I would share what was required. Welcome to our SEO project Scarbro Civil had their website built some time ago and no matter what they did they couldn’t find themselves online. Don to the rescue! Immediately […]
You’re getting googled
You’re getting googled On this occasion I’m not talking about Googling your website or getting found online. I’m talking about YOU! We’re asked about this a lot, so let’s see if we can clear a few things up for you. Ever wondered how those pesky ads show up? You know the ones. The ad’s that […]
Website content, is content king?
Website Content, is content king? A very very belated Happy New Year and welcome to two thousand and nineteen, – heck it’s nearly March! It’s Grant here, since Andy is having a go at this blogging thing I thought I better find a spare minute and drop down some of my thoughts alongside wanting to see if […]
The SEO Trap
The SEO Trap The SEO Specialist trap – If you run your own, or someone else’s business then there is a very good chance you have received that email. In fact, you probably get them every day. You know the ones, they go something like this; Hello Dear, I have reivwed your website and I […]
Thanks to WP Elevation
Thanks to WP Elevation A huge thank you to our friends and colleagues at Agency Mavericks for the mention in their recent article “Turn your service into a product”. It was a ballsy move to make a hobby our income. Troy and his team are part of the reason Grant and I had the confidence […]
Automate the pain away
Google Reviews Introduced in 2010 the star rating system became an instant source of unwanted anxiety for many business owners. In a world of fake news and fake reviews “customers” could now air their feelings on a business. Whether they had actually visited, or not, was not always the point. Fast-forward 10 years and things […]