Website content, is content king?
Website Content, is content king? A very very belated Happy New Year and welcome to two thousand and nineteen, –
A very very belated Happy New Year and welcome to two thousand and nineteen, – heck it’s nearly March!
It’s Grant here, since Andy is having a go at this blogging thing I thought I better find a spare minute and drop down some of my thoughts alongside wanting to see if my website content can gain more traffic than his, I’ll wager a Stella (not one of Andy’s craft beers) at the next don creative board meeting!
There’s one saying I hate, and I really need to think of another way to say it but there is no doubt about it, “Content is King”.
If you are trying to increase the traffic to your website there are many things you can do to help, but my favorite is actually the most simple. Over the past 16 years, I’ve had very impressive results by spending time and creating genuine website content.
We have proved this over multiple websites across multiple industries and as Google continues to update their search algorithms in 2019, genuinely interesting content is even more important to get you to that number one spot on Google.
It’s actually a lot easier than you think, don’t get me wrong it can be time-consuming but in the race to the number one spot, it is time well spent. High-quality, unduplicated content featuring your targeted SEO terms and keywords (but not keyword stuffing) in the page content, URL (your web address) and page title is a great start. This can be on your normal content pages (about us, services etc), as well as a website based blog.
If you are looking at heading down the blog path, your posts need to be more than 200 words and there really isn’t any advantage of going over 2,000 and ideally. If you can create one a week you will quickly see great results on getting your website to number one. 80% of don creatives websites are based on WordPress which can normally have a blog function turned on with the click of a button.
All in all, if you are still reading this you may have worked out this whole article is to try and get don creative to rank better for the SEO term website content. It can be that easy ;-).
Feel free to drop myself Grant, or Andy an email about how we can help get your website performing better.
If you don’t know what SEO is you can read about it on our services page here.
Website Content, is content king? A very very belated Happy New Year and welcome to two thousand and nineteen, –
How do you improve your Google reviews? We’re asked this every day. Perhaps not in this exact format but in
You’re getting googled On this occasion I’m not talking about Googling your website or getting found online. I’m talking about