Luxe Appearance Auckland
Luxe Appearance Auckland Luxe Appearance is one of Auckland’s premier Botox Clinic’s – So, we were flattered when they came
So, we were flattered when they came to don to discuss their impending re-brand.
Previously known as “Luxe Body” Sarah (Luxe’s Director) felt that the brand was no longer specific enough to represent the company. While Luxe still provide “Body” related services they really are “Appearance” specialists.
Don, sat down with Sarah and the team to discuss the business and what they do. This was quite the rabbit hole for two men from Canterbury. But, this is the norm in our world and one of my favorite parts of the industry as we regularly take on clients where we have had no experience in the field with. This works well as this is commonly the case for our client’s client.
As is often the case Luxe had a massive amount of information relating to their broad offering of products and treatments. BUT it was almost impossible to find any of it on the website. Appearance medicine is a broad topic and the website was being used by current clients who understood what they wanted. And new clients, who were still figuring out where to start their journey.
After monitoring the current website for a few weeks, we could see the extensive articles that Sarah had written were not being consumed by search engine’s and as a result the people who were searching for the information. We had to fix that….. There is nothing worse than relevant, concise information from a professional being hidden in the dark corners of the internet.
The next thing that needed dealing to was the way the website was navigated. While most people would know what Botox is, we knew many wouldn’t know what Belkyra was. BTW, it’s an incredible treatment that reduces your double chin. No, I did not get this……
Navigating by brand can be a little overwhelming if you don’t know what the brand represents. Therefor it was crucial we changed the way the site could be navigated from the front end, building a menu structure worthy of the brand. Category’s were then broken down into their respective specialty’s, with a second menu added to represent the concerns that they treat, rather than the name of the product. Much better for the Appearance Medicine novice, or even Botox pro who didn’t know Belkyra existed.
This has been a huge project and an enjoyable one at that. It’s continues today with ongoing SEO and management services.
Sarah and the team have been a pleasure to work with and are absolute professionals. So if you don’t look as young as you used to, get in touch after you have done your research on their new website…
Luxe Appearance Auckland Luxe Appearance is one of Auckland’s premier Botox Clinic’s – So, we were flattered when they came
Website Content, is content king? A very very belated Happy New Year and welcome to two thousand and nineteen, –
You’re getting googled On this occasion I’m not talking about Googling your website or getting found online. I’m talking about